Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Sampler!

We at the Creative Cupcake love The Sampler.What exactly is it? Each month, indie crafters, artists, shops, zines and record labels (that's me...sort of) who run web-based businesses send samples and promotional materials to Marie, the Sampler Goddess. She photographs all the samples, posts them to the site and then are doles them out, put in little packages and sent off to Sampler Subscribers, other Sampler Contributors and members of the media!

I'm so excited that our Mini Calla Clips will be featured in the August edition! Every time I've received a Sampler in the past, it has been chock-full of fun and fabulous samples of everything from jewelry and buttons to pins and stationery - and just about everything in between. I'm always so happy to find new independently owned businesses with great products.
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Subscriptions go on sale TODAY @ 10AM & 4PM Pacific time. If you love supporting independent businesses, go to the site and buy one. But be warned, they go super fast!!

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