Monday, January 31, 2005

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky?

"I think so Brain. But I don't know what it would look like if me and Lassie had children. Oh, well. They'd be loved."

Actually, I've taken quite a shining to planning to take over the world. Martha Stewart had nothing on me and Beth (if Brain had been cloned, they would be us). A 4 story abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Philly is no match for the two of us and our bridal-minded superpowers. 18,000 sq ft just waiting to be filled with white dresses and lush fabrics and fragrant flowers and many, many stress-free brides. Fingers crossed for our meeting with the landlord this week!

Off to review designers and surround myself with piles of marshmellow-like dresses!!!


Life, as I know it

So I finally took the plunge and coughed up the money to have a professional design my business site full of fun things that I just adore! First off, how cute is the mascot?! I had to have her plumped up a bit because, afterall, you just can't trust a skinny baker. If she's going to me baking the cupcakes, she has to sneak a taste or two, right?

Some days, I still can't believe that I'm able to wake up and go to "work" doing something that I absolutely love... creating! Even though some people don't understand why I've resisted going back into the corporate world, I'm glad that I've battled on. All I can say to those of you who are thinking about starting your own business (or just spending more of your time doing things that you enjoy) is JUST DO IT! Life is too short to spend it cooped up in a cubicle.
