Thursday, October 18, 2007

Up to: 10/18/07

Pottery Barn Holiday Catalog
Arrived today and I am loving these ribbon ornaments... never enough ribbons in my decorating!

Celebrity Detox: The Fame Game
Think what you may of Rosie, but I find her to be refreshing in our twisted world of faux-celebu-perfection.

Private Practice
How much do I love that Shonda Rimes created Pete's character to exist in a place so far beyond what his pretty boy looks might predict? And how cute is Dell's crush on Naomi? I still miss her on Grey's.

Traveling to:
New York City
Heading "home" in 3 weeks - first time since the big move. Lots of friends and family to see, and even more pizza and bagels to dive into. I've missed my New York!


Kimba said...

I finally was able to catch up on Private Practice, huge huge fan! But I agree, I am always hoping she'll pop back up on Grey's!

N said...

I don't know if it's because of the new characters or what, but the new season of Grey's just can't compete with PP. Wow, I can't believe I said that "out loud"!