Thursday, July 19, 2007

Get your credit cards ready...

The Creative Cupcake Annual Bake Sale (in honor of ending our 3rd year in business) is almost ready to go! There are just a few last minute things to take care of that I should be able to finish rather quickly. It's also the time of year that I like to "clean house" so I can bring in even more new patterns and styles over the next few months.

I realized that phasing out a lot of the ribbons will leave the swatches a bit outdated, so I spent the better portion of this afternoon with my eyes glued to the Illustrator grid lines. Updated swatch cards are up -- which means these are the ribbons that we are currently keeping in stock and will not be discontinued:

Anything that we have carried in the past but is not shown is either being phased out or we have already sold out of that style/size.

Not much else to report -- just plugging away at getting things squared away. Keep your eyes out for our newsletter with all the details over the next few days.

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