Wednesday, May 07, 2008

When waiters don't give you lemons...

When out for a meal, generally my drink of choice is a Diet Coke with lime. It seems silly, but it really grinds my gears when a waiter will refill my drink but not replace the lime/lemon. I can kind of see if I just order it as a "Diet Coke" but I am always careful to specify the "with lime (or lemon)" part. Heck, bring me a little plate with 3-4 slices to have for any refills right off the bat and you are almost guaranteed a big tip.

I saw this post on Slashfood this evening and I can totally relate to Al Lewis's passion over his lack of lemons. Is anyone else fanatical about your citrus garnishes?


a. said...

Count me in. I can't drink water in any form or iced tea without a lemon...same goes for a soda which I am currently not drinking but when I did I had to have a lemon or even a lime.

Always Organizing said...

Hi! I found your blog through Tres Poshe Preppy and was so excited to come across another NJ blogger! Love the headbands you have pictured. My header was designed based on that ribbon, it is my fave! I will definitely buy one when you reopen your store!