Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time Waster of the Day

What do plutonium, FM radio, Spam and Israel all have in common?

photo from JohnMcCain.com

They are all younger than John McCain! Regardless of your personal political leanings (and I'm not about to get into mine here), the concept of this blog is pretty amusing.


Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Um...that is hilarious!! I will say that I think it is totally unfair at how good he looks for his age. I'm not voting for him but he gets my "looks better than I'm sure I will at that age" vote.

Anonymous said...

I'm not voting for him but he gets my "looks better than I'm sure I will at that age" vote.

Umm, check some other pictures, say


Old, short Zombie.
Can't be more than about 15 million 70+ers look better than that guy.