Monday, January 31, 2005

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky?

"I think so Brain. But I don't know what it would look like if me and Lassie had children. Oh, well. They'd be loved."

Actually, I've taken quite a shining to planning to take over the world. Martha Stewart had nothing on me and Beth (if Brain had been cloned, they would be us). A 4 story abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Philly is no match for the two of us and our bridal-minded superpowers. 18,000 sq ft just waiting to be filled with white dresses and lush fabrics and fragrant flowers and many, many stress-free brides. Fingers crossed for our meeting with the landlord this week!

Off to review designers and surround myself with piles of marshmellow-like dresses!!!


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