Friday, April 29, 2005

New and exciting things going on!

I've been working on so many cute new things for my upcoming show in Westwood on 5/22 (details - and an exclusive coupon - can be found here). Here's your sneak peek at show-only goods!

Adorable key fobs:

Turquoise-colored shell earrings:

Super cute buttons to give away (thanks to Vanessa from

Plus, I've decided to start phasing out my ribbon belts and I'm working on some totally amazing new belt designs. I came across these great gold-toned buckles (some of which I'll be spraying siver) that will definitely be featured:

Hopefully I'll have more goodies to report on tomorrow, after my trip to a local bead & gem show with crafty pal, Brandee, from Brandee's Boutique!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

A little more about me

Clearly I need to find something to do today, since I can't seem to stop with these quizes!!

You are NEMO!
Which Finding Nemo Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Raver Bear
Raver Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Pre-Hyptnotized Peter (This was before my newly found creative freedom)
What Office Space character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

More pretty fabric!

This is what happens when its all warm and sunny outside. I get inspired by anything colorful and fun and my supply closet just grows and grows! Take a peek at my latest acquisition - Dancing Tulips:
Posted by Hello

I'm thinking some cute little clutches or something equally fun. Maybe involving some vintage buttons or brooches. Oooo... or even a sash/belt. I'm starting to get over the ribbon belts that are just EVERYwhere these days. Maybe I'll start playing around with making them with fabric. Guess you'll have to just wait and see!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sunshine and Creativity

All of this sunshine and happiness has me totally inspired. I picked up some yummy new fabrics last week that I can't wait to get started working with.

yummy new fabric Posted by Hello

Aren't they amazing? Check back in a week or so to see what I whipped up.

In other news, our taxes are finally done. What a nightmare! I'm going out tomorrow to get Quickbooks, which will make my life 1,000 times easier come next April. The few hundred dollars are definitely worth my weeks of sanity. I think my husband would agree, too! :)